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Products & Services

On-boarding of Product / Service / Channel Partner – A Disciplined Approach...

We have consciously instituted a much-disciplined approach to on-boarding any and all products, services and channel partners. Our proprietary due diligence process screens the short-listed candidates and thus helps us finalize the most desirable names to tie up with. We deem it our fiduciary responsibility to introduce only the most prudent among each of the vast array of financial solutions, which merit through our quality test.

Our expansive product and services platter includes:

Mutual Funds

We are empanelled with almost all Asset Management Companies (AMCs) registered in India for the distribution of their mutual fund schemes, which we selectively offer to our clients after our own due diligence and relevant research.


In this segment, we offer unlisted shares and IPOs helping investors partaking in the suitable opportunities.

Portfolio Management Service

With a wide range of Portfolio Management Service (PMS) available, we carefully get only those on board, which meet our internal criteria for selection such as their investment style and investment processes. Our analysis of the PMS program helps investors make a better-informed decision.

Fixed Income

We identify and offer select fixed income opportunities as and when they arise to our appropriately suitable clients. Such opportunities are in various forms such as structured notes, primary and secondary offerings of debt instrument of corporations and government.

Structured Products

Complementing the traditional investment products, Structured Products are proprietary investment vehicles that are generally designed to attempt at showing superior returns than the relevant benchmarks, with the implementation of embedded derivative instruments.

Private Equity Funds

In their quest for diversification away from the traditional products, HNI/UHNI segment’s appetite for Alternative Investments has seen a rapid growth. We offer various types of thematic PE Funds that meet our standards of quality and performance.

Real Estate Funds

While the Real Estate as a sector has been underperforming other asset classes over the past couple of years, Real Estate Funds in the Alternative Investments space have witnessed a growing interest from qualified investors.

Estate & Succession Planning

Without a proper estate and succession planning, an individual’s long and hard established family wealth can easily become the bone of contention among the family and a target of misuse after his demise and render the ship of his business or family wealth rudderless. Our consultancy service in this space helps keep the succession planning and family harmony in place.

Trust Services

Along the lines of Estate & Succession Planning, the formation of a Trust is of significant importance. With the legal ownership transferred in to a legally established Trust, the business or family wealth can be protected from family feuds, external financial threats and indiscipline in the wealth distribution. While respecting confidentiality, the Trust provides for the confidentiality and execution of the investor’s wishes during as well as after his lifetime, thereby solving the problems of ambiguity and helps maintain family harmony.

A Trust is especially more important for Indians as a high probability of the introduction of the Inheritance Tax looms large in the country, which could potentially expose the family/business wealth to some serious tax implications.

We also provide assistance in:

  • Investment Banking
  • Setting up of family offices
  • Drafting of Investment Policy Statement
  • Select Global Products/Services