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Who we are?

Matrix Capital has been in existence since about a decade. Formed with an objective to make meaningful difference in the manner in which investors have been managed in the region. We felt the need to create a niche investment services firm that looks at the client interest as its core, backed with long history of our learning, experience and exposure at various levels.

Year 2008 when the markets were unfriendly, we felt the need for handholding of investors. The time when investor questions, queries and apprehensions were unanswered, we decided to setup the business. Our past experiences also helped us frame a more client centric approach. It was with a strong belief that experience of various market cycles help in guiding investor behaviour.

Our personal experience in investment business dates back to the year 1999, and we are happy to share that the key relationships since then continue to bestow their trust with us till date.

We feel privileged with the fact that we were the early movers in investment space in the region even when the industry was in its infancy. In fact we also went on to pioneer the Portfolio Management Services segment in the region with a national level achievement. We continue to enjoy excellent relationship with bulk of the fund managers of those days who continue to guide us even as on date. We believe this leverage also helps us in managing our investors’ money better.